How to increase typing speed (fast typing) in mobile?

Today we are going to tell you about increasing the typing speed in mobile. One of our viewers had asked us this question that I have bought a new mobile but I have trouble typing and I am not able to type quickly. So how to increase the typing speed in mobile

Now that is why we are writing this post to answer this question. Today we are going to tell you some amazing tricks to increase the typing speed in mobile.

Friends, the keyboard that we get to see in the mobile is called the Qwerty format keyboard. In this, you get to see all the alphabets right side up, that is, you do not get to see them in a line. 

That is why every person who has just bought a new smart phone has trouble typing because we get to see this type of Qwerty keyboard in all the smart phones. Now let us know what you can do to increase the typing speed in the mobile.

How to increase typing speed in mobile, best ways

You are not going to have any magic with you to do fast typing on mobile, you have to learn it on your own but we are giving you some tips on how and what to do so that you can learn fast typing quickly, you have to follow them and with the help of our tips, you will learn fast typing on mobile in less time.

1. Typing Practice

The first point is practice, friends this is the most important point, you have to keep this in mind. Everybody knows that if we keep doing a work continuously, then one day we go very far ahead in that work and similarly typing work also happens, you will have problem in typing in the beginning but if you keep typing daily more and more then it will get stuck in your mind that which button is where. 

When this happens with you, then you will be able to type any word without even searching for it because your mind will know the position of every key and your finger will press that key. To practice typing, you can install any notepad from Play Store on your mobile and can practice typing by writing in the same notepad daily.

2. Remember the key positions in the keyboard

Now see, this task will definitely be a little difficult for you but it does not mean that you cannot do it. We are talking about trying to remember which button is where on your mobile keyboard. All the alphabets are arranged in 3 lines on your mobile, so try to remember which alphabet is in which line. 

This work will take time but when you remember all the alphabets i.e. the position of the keys, your typing speed will improve. With this you will not make any mistake while typing, the typing will be correct without any mistake, so you should try this also, it will help you a lot.

3. Use perfect mobile keyboard

Now let us talk about one most important point, friends there are many people whose typing does not improve much with time and one reason for this is that they do not choose the right keyboard. Mobile keyboard plays a very important role in increasing typing speed. 

You can install many good keyboards like Google keyboard, Go keyboard, Indic Keyboard from the play store on your mobile; this will help you a lot in fast typing. Choose the keyboard that you feel is right for typing and make it your default keyboard and practice typing on it.

4. Blind Typing

You can consider this as our bonus tip because this is a tricky tip which can make your mobile typing speed super fast. First of all, you have to close your eyes and after that you try to type anything like you try to write your name or someone else's name. When you do this, you will remember that this button was here, which means you will be able to remember the position of all the buttons properly. 

Initially you will type wrongly but keep practising it, this is also a very good method. When you try this daily, with time you will see that your typing speed is improving a lot and when you type correctly to a great extent even without looking, then understand that now you can type at a super fast speed on mobile.

Friends, if you follow the tips that we have told you just now, you will get a lot of help in typing fast and all this will not happen in a day but you will definitely see improvement in your typing everyday and a time will come when you will start typing the fastest. 

In the upcoming post, we will also tell you about fast typing on computer. Now you should practice as much as you can, this will definitely improve your typing skill in mobile.

Friends, today we have learned how to increase typing speed in mobile. If you want to know anything related to mobile, then you must tell us so that we can give you information about it in the coming time. How did you like this information about typing in mobile? 

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